Latest Episodes

Episode 3-5, Pastors' Equipping Series: Explaining How Perfectly Right Jesus Got It on Marriage
Jesus got marriage right. Really right, and right in ways the rest of us can really appreciate, if we think about it in the...

Episode 3-4: How to Find Your Authentic Self
It’s a top priority in our culture: Finding your authentic self. Could it be, though, that we’ll find that better through finding an authentic...

Episode 3-3: Pastors' Equipping Series: Sample Sermon on Christian Exclusivism vs. Pluralism — (Optionally) Christmas Themed!
Christians aren’t supposed to say we have the one truth. That’s the word around our culture, anyway. We’re supposed to be “humble” about our...

Episode 3-2 — Pastor Equipping Series: Sample Sermon on the Faith-Science Challenge (Emphasis on the Virgin Birth of Jesus)
Faith vs. Science: It feels like David approaching Goliath, with no sling and no stones. Or at least, that’s the way a lot of...
Episode 3-1 — Pastors' Equipping Series: Sample Sermon on Critical Race Theory
Updated: See the summary explainer article at The Stream! Critical race theory: Could you preach on it in church? Teach it in a small...

Episode 2-9: Stories of Apologetics and Practical Church Ministry with Pastors
(Related Blog Post: Apologists and Pastors Connecting for Ministry: Stories of How You Can Do It) Okay, now what? Now that you know the...